How does it work?
Earn points on movie tickets and food & beverage purchases. Those points can be redeemed for free movie tickets or food & beverages. Come more often and earn your way into higher levels. Join and begin for free on Gold and earn your way to Platinum for even more benefits.

Free Tickets

Free Food &
Beverage Vouchers

Points, Discounts &
Special Pricing

How does it work?

Earn points on movie tickets and food & beverage purchases.

Those points can be redeemed
for free movie tickets or
food & beverages .

Come more often and earn your
way into higher levels. Join and
begin for free on Gold and earn
your way to Platinum for even
more benefits.

logo Gold Platinum Diamond
Sign Up for Free After 10 Food & Beverages Purchases in a year After 17 Food & Beverages Purchases in a year
Earn Free Tickets When You Buy Tickets 1 for 10 1 for 7 1 for 5
Free Ticket on Your Birthday gold pltnm dimnd
Free Ticket on Your Anniversary gold Pltnm dimnd
$7 Online Tickets on Wednesday* gold Pltnm dimnd
$20 Food & Beverage Voucher on Your Birthday* dimnd
Points Earned per $1 Spent on Food & Beverage 5 Points per $1 10 Points per $1 15 Points per $1

Earn Bonus Points For Movie Tickets Purchased Online at CMX

100 Points: Mon - Thu Ticket
50 Points: Fri - Sun Ticket
gold pltnm dimnd

*Excludes alcohol purchases.

Sign Up for Free
Earn Free Tickets When You Buy Tickets 1 for 10
Free Ticket on Your Birthday gold
Free Ticket on Your Anniversary gold
$7 Online Tickets on Wednesday* gold
$20 Food & Beverage Voucher on Your Birthday*
Points Earned per $1 Spent on Food & Beverage 5 Points per $1

Earn Bonus Points For Movie Tickets Purchased Online at CMX

100 Points: Mon - Thu Ticket
50 Points: Fri - Sun Ticket
After 10 Food & Beverages Purchases in a year
Earn Free Tickets When You Buy Tickets 1 for 7
Free Ticket on Your Birthday pltnm
Free Ticket on Your Anniversary Pltnm
$7 Online Tickets on Wednesday* gold
$20 Food & Beverage Voucher on Your Birthday*
Points Earned per $1 Spent on Food & Beverage 10 Points per $1

Earn Bonus Points For Movie Tickets Purchased Online at CMX

100 Points: Mon - Thu Ticket
50 Points: Fri - Sun Ticket
After 17 Food & Beverages Purchases in a year
Earn Free Tickets When You Buy Tickets 1 for 5
Free Ticket on Your Birthday gold
Free Ticket on Your Anniversary gold
$7 Online Tickets on Wednesday* gold
$20 Food & Beverage Voucher on Your Birthday* gold
Points Earned per $1 Spent on Food & Beverage 15 Points per $1

Earn Bonus Points For Movie Tickets Purchased Online at CMX

100 Points: Mon - Thu Ticket
50 Points: Fri - Sun Ticket

CMX Rewards is a free loyalty program for our guests. You earn free movie vouchers and $5 Food and Beverage vouchers for purchasing tickets, food, and non-alcoholic beverages.

Visit on our website to sign up for the program. Once you are signed up, you will be issued a Rewards Membership Number.

No, this is a free program for all guests who are about 18 years of age.

Make sure you are signed into your account when you make purchases online when using the website or our mobile app.

When at the box office, concessions window, or ordering from a team member, show them your Digital Membership Card in the mobile app.

If you do not have your Digital Membership Card, our team members can look up your information using your telephone number on the account. You can also share your Reward Membership number too.

No, membership cards are not provided in this program. We offer a Digital Membership Card in our mobile app.

We have three levels of the program. When you first join, you will be a Gold member. To reach higher levels, you must earn visits. Visits are counted when you purchase food or non-alcoholic beverages. A visit can only be counted once per day.

When you sign up for rewards, you are a Gold Member. Once you have completed 10 Food or Beverage purchases (visits), you will be upgraded to the Platinum level. To reach Diamond, a guest must make 17 Food and Beverage purchases (visits) in a year.

On Jan 1st, if you have not maintained your level of Food and Beverage purchases, you will be downgraded. Only one food and beverage per day will be counted.

On Jan 1st, if you have not maintained your Food and Beverage purchases status for the past year, you will be downgraded to the appropriate level.

You can earn your way back to a status level.

Yes, you can email a copy of your receipt, and they can adjust your account. Please allow 5-7 business days for them to follow up.

In the mobile app, you can delete your account. This will delete your CMX Rewards membership program.

On the website, you can view your rewards dashboard at Our mobile app lets you view your rewards dashboard by clicking the rewards button in the bottom toolbar.

These can only be used online or through our mobile app, and there are no convenience fees. You cannot purchase these at the theatre. IMAX and DBOX tickets are excluded.

You can view your Rewards in your Rewards Dashboard on the website or mobile app.

When you reach 500 points, you receive a Choice Reward. A Choice Reward can be redeemed for a Free Movie ticket or a $5 Food and Beverage Voucher.

Your dial counter will reset to zero so you can begin earning toward your next reward.

We will send you a free movie ticket when you reach your goal threshold. You can find this free movie ticket in your rewards dashboard. We also send an email notification.

Gold will receive a free movie ticket for every 10 movie tickets purchased.

Platinum will receive a free movie ticket for every 7 movie tickets purchased.

Diamond will receive a free movie ticket for every 5 movie tickets purchased.

Your dial counter will reset to zero so you can begin earning toward your next reward.

To use your Free Movie Ticket Voucher, select your movie and showtime using our website or mobile app. A dialogue box will appear and ask you if you’d like to use your Free Movie Ticket.

This is the same process for your Birthday, Anniversary, and any Free Ticket Voucher Reward.

You can use your Free Ticket Voucher at the box office. Open your mobile app to your Rewards Dashboard. Show our team members your Free Ticket Voucher, and they will apply it to your purchase.

Yes, all rewards (tickets or food and beverage vouchers) expire 60 days after they are issued.

Follow the same process for refunding any ticket. Visit, and your Free Ticket Voucher will be placed back into your account within 20 minutes.
